Holy City Handcraft

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Hole Mole

Did you miss the @holycityhandcraft pop-up over at @spectatorhotel a few weeks ago where me and @lancasterchucktown collaborated on THREE craft cocktails? If so, we got you fam... the cocktails are STAYING ON THE MENU at The Spectator Hotel's bar through the Spring. Make sure to stop by and check it out. Also, over the next few weeks I'll also be sharing our recipes for each cocktail!


  • 2¼ oz Dark Rye

  • ¾ oz Chicory Liqueur

  • 2 dashes Aztec Chocolate Bitters

  • 2 dashes Xocolatl Molé Bitters

  • 2 dashes Chipotle Extract

  • Dehydrated Blood Orange Garnish



Combine rye, sweet vermouth, Chartreuse and bitters in a mixing glass with ice. Stir for 20 seconds. Strain over ice cube, garnish with an expressed orange twist. Serve and enjoy.

Check it out on Instagram:

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If a post is sponsored, this means I was compensated to research, develop and photograph a custom recipe on my own. Thanks y'all!