The Salted Peanut Butter Fizz
Fall is officially here, so how does a peanut butter, banana, hazelnut, coffee and chocolate cocktail sound to you?
Well, you’re in luck. I’ve teamed up with screwballwhiskey to create a cocktail thats somewhere between a chocolate egg cream and a bourbon fizz. The secret is in the banana, hazelnut-infused cold brew amaro created by my talented friend @schenzelwashington. Its constructed by steeping coffee grounds with banana liqueur, hazelnut extract and amaro for 6-12 hours then fine straining into a vessel of your choice. I can’t think of a more perfect accompaniment to the flavors in peanut butter.
1½ oz Whiskey
½ oz Cognac VS
1 oz Banana/Hazelnut/Cold-Brew Amaro
4 Heavy Dashes Chocolate Bitters
¾ oz Heavy Cream
1 Egg White
3 oz Soda Water
1 Pinch of Salt
Cocoa Powder (Garnish)
Combine all ingredients except the soda water and garnish in a shaking tin with ice. Shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Pour and strain into the shaking tin, dump the ice and dry shake vigorously for another 20 seconds. Pour over a chilled tulip glass. Let the cream settle for about one minute then slowly pour soda water through the cream until the glass is full. Garnish with cocoa powder and add a straw. Serve and enjoy!
Check it out on Instagram:
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