Brulee Apple Cider Collins
This recipe is sure to get you in a festive mood this season.
I created a festive take on a traditional Collins. This one combines the flavors of maple, apples, caramel and cinnamon into a cup of cheer you’ll be sure to enjoy this season. Cheers y’all!
1½ oz | 45 ml Gin
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Fresh Lemon Juice
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Barrel Aged Maple Syrup
Sparkling Cider
Brûlée Apple (Garnish)
Grated Cinnamon (Garnish)
In a Collins glass with an ice spear, add cider. Combine lemon, gin, and syrup in a shaking tin with ice. Shake, strain and pour into the Collins glass. Top with Cider. Garnish with brûlée apple and grated cinnamon. Serve and enjoy!
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