LowCountry Spritz

Found some inspiration in right place. Check out "SPRITZ" by @taliabaiocchi of punchdrink and @lesliepariseau of @saveurmag for some great Italian food and spritz recipes. Cheers to the long weekend! 🍹🙌🏾



  • 1 oz | 30 ml Southern Amaro

  • 1 oz | 30 ml Aperol

  • ½ oz | 15 ml Fresh Lemon Juice

  • ½ oz. Fresh Blood Orange Juice

  • Prosecco

  • Egg white


Combine Amaro, Aperol, fruit juices, and egg white in a shaking tin. Reverse dry shake and double strain into a stemmed glass over ice. Top with prosecco. Garnish with a blood orange slice. Serve and enjoy!


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If a post is sponsored, this means I was compensated to research, develop and photograph a custom recipe on my own. Thanks y'all!