Natures Sweet Restorer
Take me back to Julep season π
2 oz | 60 ml @makersmark
ΒΎ oz | 22.5 ml Strega liqueur
ΒΌ oz | 7.5 ml Tonic Syrup
β part Aperitif
1 Lemon Peel
1 Orange Peel
7β10 Mint Leaves
Fennel frond
Dehydrated lemon coin
Fennel pollen
Dried roses
Place all ingredients except bourbon and orange peel into a julep cup. Muddle to combine. Top with bourbon. Fill cup with crushed ice. Express orange peel over drink and discard. Garnish with fennel frond, mint, dehydrated lemon coin, dried roses (optional), and fennel pollen.
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