The Swizz Army Knife
I’m overdue for a little tiki in my life 🗿
If you haven’t used Clairin (Haitian Rum) in your tiki drinks, you are seriously missing out.
1 oz | 30 ml Jamaican Rum
1 oz | 30 ml Vaval Haitian Rum
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Passionfruit Liqueur
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Pineapple Juice
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Grapefruit Juice
¾ oz | 22.5 ml Lime Juice
½ oz | 15 mlCinnamon Syrup
5 Dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
Hampden 60 Floater
Mint Sprig
Combine all ingredients except garnish in a shaking tin with ice. Shake, strain and pour the cocktail into a tiki mug over crushed or pellet ice. Top with floater and cinnamon (fire optional). Garnish with mint and any tiki-inspired garnish you’d like (I used pineapple fronds). Serve and enjoy!
Check it out on Instagram:
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