The Strangest Thing
What better way to combine two things I love (craft cocktails and @strangerthingstv) than the #StrangerThingsAB cocktail contest held by my dudes @apartment_bartender and @keifermadness. Inspiration comes from THE UPSIDE DOWN and a bit of that fall flavor all is basic girls love 💁🏻
Cheers y’all, make sure to tune into Season 2 of Stranger Things on @netflix TOMORROW!
1½ oz | 45 ml Robber Baron Rye
½ oz | 15 ml Amaro
½ oz | 15 ml Apple Brandy
½ oz | 15 ml Spiced Demerara
4 Drops Pumpkin Spice Tincture (Homemade)
1 Egg (whites only)
Combine all ingredients in shaking tin with ice. Reverse dry shake and double strain into a chilled coupe with a small ice sphere. Garnish with activated charcoal powder (optional). Serve and enjoy, Eggo’s optional too 😉
Check it out on Instagram:
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