
We’re gearing up for Holiday Party season, are you?

This year, I wanted to create a recipe that’s not only easy to make, but also something that you can bring to your next holiday potluck or holiday office party. The flavors involve a rich sweetness from the Pedro Ximenez-style sherry, which pairs well with the peaty notes found in Laphroaig Select. The below recipe is also easy to batch - it's perfect for any holiday parties this year!



  • 2 oz | 60 ml Laphroaig

  • 1 oz | 30 ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry

  • 3 Dashes of Aromatic Bitters (per serving)

  • Lemon Twist (Garnish)

  • Cherry on Rosemary Sprig (Garnish)


Combine all ingredients except garnishes into a mixing glass with ice. Stir and strain into rocks glass with ice. Express lemon peel onto the top of the glass. Garnish with the rosemary/cherry, serve and enjoy!

Check it out on Instagram:


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If a post is sponsored, this means I was compensated to research, develop and photograph a custom recipe on my own. Thanks y'all!