Scotman Sidecar

Did you hear? Its #WorldCocktailDay!
I had an opportunity to receive a bottle of a unique California Brandy by @jeffreymbell (@pdthongkong)and @thomaspastuszak(@thenomadhotel) - two very well known names in the cocktail/wine/spirits industry. Bertoux Brandy (@bertouxbrandy) is meant to be as sippable as it is perfect for any cocktail - So I figured, why not try a riff on a classic Brandy cocktail - The Sidecar!



  • 1½ oz | 45 ml Brandy

  • ¾ oz | 22.5 ml Orange Liqueur

  • ½ oz | 15 ml Fresh Lemon Juice

  • ¼ oz | 7.5 ml Demerara Simple

  • 4 Drops Spruce/Birch

  • Twist of Lemon

  • ¼ oz | 7.5 ml 10 year (or any Islay Scotch)


Combine ingredients except lemon twist and Scotch in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake, double strain, pour into a chilled coupe. Spray the top with a healthy dose of a peaty scotch (I used Laphroig 10) using an atomizer - alternatively, feel free to rinse the glass instead. Finish by expressing a lemon twist. Serve and enjoy.


Check it out on Instagram:


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If a post is sponsored, this means I was compensated to research, develop and photograph a custom recipe on my own. Thanks y'all!