The Early Bird

Just because #CincoDeMayo is over doesn’t mean these tequila cocktails have to stop…



  • 1½ oz | 45 ml Reposado Tequila

  • 1 oz | 30 ml Agave-Cranberry Syrup

  • 2 oz | 60 ml Orange Juice

  • ½ oz | 15 ml Lime Juice

  • Orange Wheel (Garnish)

  • Cinnamon Stick (Garnish)


Take a Collins glass, add ice cubes to fill. First, add #PatronReposado Tequila. Then, add the Agave-Grenadine syrup. Carefully add both orange and lime juices. Top with soda water or add citrus flavored soda water for more depth. Garnish with an orange wheel and a cinnamon stick. Stir if desired, keep ingredients close for the next glass

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If a post is sponsored, this means I was compensated to research, develop and photograph a custom recipe on my own. Thanks y'all!