The Kale Whale
Happy #SundayFunday -- I feel like ‘healthy’ and ‘cocktails’ are oxymorons but a couple months ago, the ladies over at @thekalewhale inspired me to make another cocktail using @onelovekombucha’s Hibiscus Ginger Kombucha. Check out the recipe below!
1½ oz | 45 ml Mezcal
½ oz | 15 ml Aperol
½ oz | 15 ml Raw Honey Syrup (1:1 honey/water)
½ oz | 15 ml Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice
½ oz | 15 ml Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
1 Pinch Cayenne Pepper
Hibiscus Ginger Kombucha
Fresh Pineapple Slices
Fresh Ginger Slices
Peychaud’s Bitters
Muddle honey syrup, cayenne, pineapple and ginger in a shaking tin. Add ice, mezcal, Aperol, and fruit juices. Shake and double strain in a wine glass over crushed ice. Top with kombucha, add 5 dashes of Peychaud’s bitters. Garnish with dehydrated lime wheel and pineapple leaf (optional). Serve and enjoy.
Check it out on Instagram:
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