Yankee Sour
Here’s a tasty fall-inspired riff on the New York Sour that y’all will love.
1 oz | 30ml Smoked Maple Bourbon
1 oz | 30 ml Bourbon
¼ oz | 7.5 ml Malbec (or a red wine)
¼ oz | 7.5 ml Fresh Lemon Juice
¼ oz | 7.5 ml Demerara Simple
Lemon Twist Garnish
Islay Scotch Rinse
Rinse a glass (I used a cognac snifter) with a smokey Islay scotch - drink the excess (or dump it, you wuss). Combine bourbons, lemon juice and demerara in a shaker with ice. Shake, strain and pour into the snifter. Float the Malbec (or any red) over the top of the cocktail. Garnish with a lemon twist and enjoy.
Check it out on Instagram:
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